Phill Mendonça-Vieira

Entries tagged #toronto

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  1. Good News: We Can Fix Traffic Safety!

    Unlike housing or wealth inequality or climate change, traffic safety is almost entirely in control of my local municipality. My city councillor doesn't have jurisdiction over air pollution, or carbon taxes, or whether we roll back the clocks. But the city of Toronto does have jurisdiction over how my local roads are designed and built.

    November 22, 2021 | #deathbytraffic, #toronto
  2. The Saints of Little Portugal

    When you next walk through the residential streets of Toronto's west end, take a look at the houses around you. Before long, you'll see the azulejos.

    July 19, 2017 | #toronto, #portugal, #art
  3. Mirvish Village Public Meeting

    I attended a public meeting organized by city hall councillors Mike Layton and Joe Cressy to discuss Westbank's planning application for the Mirvish Village redevelopment.

    March 3, 2017 | #housing, #toronto